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Pheonic is a personal repository of whatever I happen to be interested in.

You are welcome to peruse the various posts and pages and perhaps you will find something of interest or inspiration.

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The more I use Eleventy the more I'm enjoying it. Every day I find some new feature that makes my life easier (read: I thought I would have to implement it but somebody already had). The problem I was facing was that the hobby project I am working on to learn Materialize is published on Github Pages and what is not initially apparent is that the root location ("/") is the directory above the deployment point.

I've started experimenting with CSS frameworks to expand my knowledge base. While HTML5 / CSS3 have somewhat subsumed a lot of what those frameworks were originally developed to solve by being based on JQuery, more and more of them are moving away from JQuery as their underlying basis and towards some custom Javascript to support components and CSS3 everywhere else.

Today I pushed the penultimate version of the web site I've been working on for Farmer Frog to the test site for testing. If all goes well, we will be launching at some point in the next couple of weeks and that will bring the current development cycle to an end. I've always found it fascinating to reflect on the journey that each development cycle brings because I always learn something about myself.